My favourite tecnology objects.

My favourite tecnology objects.

viernes, 30 de octubre de 2009

Internet page that I more like to visit is youtube, because in this site you can see funny videos, I can watch videos of my favorite singers and I also watch TV programs as "comedy club", because there are times I can not watch television on their schedules because I am studying to get good grades in university.
I knew this website a summer day, when a friend showed me a video where shakira was singing and had to turn on her computer to open the famous youtube page.
I visit this web site usually four or five times a week. When I get to see the videos, I can spend hours laughing at the computer or listening to the music of my favorite singers.
Most times, when I get tired of studying, I get to this page to relax and take a little break of twenty minutes and I could study harder.

Here is the link :D

And a video that I really like it: ANIMALITOS

4 comentarios:

  1. Hiii
    youtube is a very good choice,
    this website is very useful to pass the time,
    I like watching videos of my favorite bands
    I see you in the U


    Bye bye

  2. hi!!!!!!!
    is a very interesting and popular website, very good choice, because you can find all videos kinds..I like..



  3. cotiwi!!! gret website, there are very good videos!, but I prefered my favorite website jajjajjaç
    I love you

  4. Hi cotiwii I have the same website too :D
    It's a very good site!
    greetins, nacho.
